X-Force Under Attack - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Difficulty: 3/10
Duration: 2 hours and 17 minutes
Offline trophies: All
Online trophies: None
DLC: None
Minimum number of playthroughs: 1
Number of missable trophies: 0
Number of trophies that would require long backtrack or replay in case you missed them: 0
Price: 11.99 € / 9.99 $
Trophies: 21 (1P, 9G, 5S, 6B)
X-Force Under Attack is a space shooter created from amazing graphics and insane boss battles. Join this epic adventure and don't let the enemies take over the Genesis planet
Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
All Clear
All Clear
X-Force Under Attack is a space shooting game developed and published by Cube Games.
In terms of trophies, it is an easy game which can be completed in around 2 - 3 hours:
The goal of the game is simple, get all the upgrades and complete all the 10 phases
I would recommend you use the Destroyer for the maximum damage, and in case you struggle on those ship levels or boss fights, switch to the Phoenix for extra lives
If you are stuck on a level, play few times the phase 3 with the Destroyer, so you can get around 3k stars per run and upgrade your ship more.
I have found phase 3 the fastest and the most rewarding level. Even if you finish the game and you do not have all the upgrades yet, play phase 3 for the remaining stars.
Phase 1
Go through phase 1
Phase 2
Go through phase 2
Phase 3
Go through phase 3
Phase 4
Go through phase 4
Phase 5
Go through phase 5
Phase 6
Go through phase 6
Phase 7
Go through phase 7
Phase 8
Go through phase 8
Phase 9
Go through phase 9
Phase 10
Go through level 10
Shield Time Level
Upgrade your drones to the maximum permanence level
Shield Time
Upgrade your shields to the maximum permanence level
Super Power Shot
Upgrade the power of the super shot to the maximum level
Super Bomb Level
Upgrade the attack power of the super bomb to the maximum level
Super Drones Level
Upgrade the attack power of super drones to the maximum level
Super Missiles Level
Upgrade the attack power of super missiles to the maximum level
Player Energy
Upgrade the player's energy to the maximum level
Player Normal Shot
Upgrade the power of normal cannons to the maximum level
Player Magnetic
Upgrade your magnetism to the maximum level
Drone Power Shot
Upgrade the drones' cannons to the maximum level
Trophy Roadmap
Phase 1 - Go through phase 1
Phase 2 - Go through phase 2
Shield Time - Upgrade your shields to the maximum permanence level
Phase 3 - Go through phase 3
Drone Power Shot - Upgrade the drones' cannons to the maximum level
Shield Time Level - Upgrade your drones to the maximum permanence level
Phase 4 - Go through phase 4
Phase 5 - Go through phase 5
Phase 6 - Go through phase 6
Super Missiles Level - Upgrade the attack power of super missiles to the maximum level
Phase 7 - Go through phase 7
Player Magnetic - Upgrade your magnetism to the maximum level
Phase 8 - Go through phase 8
Super Drones Level - Upgrade the attack power of super drones to the maximum level
Super Power Shot - Upgrade the power of the super shot to the maximum level
Player Energy - Upgrade the player's energy to the maximum level
Phase 9 - Go through phase 9
Player Normal Shot - Upgrade the power of normal cannons to the maximum level
Super Bomb Level - Upgrade the attack power of the super bomb to the maximum level
Phase 10 - Go through level 10
All Clear - All Clear