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WATCH DOGS - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide - Part 1

Writer's picture: ScorpioOfShadowsScorpioOfShadows

Updated: Aug 7, 2024

WATCH DOGS - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Part 1 - Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide + Trophy Roadmap

Difficulty: 3/10

Duration: 50 hours for main game + 15 hours for DLC Offline trophies: 35 + 9 Online trophies: 5 + 1

DLC: 1 (3/10 Difficulty) Minimum number of playthroughs: 1 Number of missable trophies: None, you have free roam after completing the story




Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

100% Clear This is the platinum trophy and is unlocked automatically when all the trophies have been unlocked. WATCH DOGS is an easy game in terms of trophies, but quite long:

  • Complete all the main missions

  • Complete all the side missions and activities

  • Gather all collectibles and check in at all hotspots

  • Gameplay trophies: Using non-lethal takedown, stop 10 civilians from calling to report you, Tag 100 enemies, Participate in 5 different City Games, Shoot out a tire on 15 different vehicles, Complete level 10 against all 3 Drinking Game opponents, Unlock every Skill in the Skills Tree

  • Escape Trophies: 15 police chases, a level 5 police chase, 15 police scans, a level 5 police scan

  • Kill Trophies: 4 enemies within a single instance of Focus, 3 enemies with a single IED

  • Online: Invade and successfully hack 10 enemy Fixers in Online Hacking, Invade and successfully observe 10 enemy Fixers in Online Tailing, Complete 10 Public Online Races, Complete an Online Tailing without being detected, Get tailed 5 times

  • DLC: Complete all missions

  • DLC: Complete all side missions, activities and 20 of each contract

  • DLC Online: complete 10 coop missions

  • DLC Kill Trophy: 4 enemies at once by blowing up the RC Car

Hello World - Story Take down Maurice Obtained during Act I - Bottom of the Eighth

End of Line Complete 40 Fixer Contracts Check the walkthrough guide for videos with all missions.

Basest Base Complete every Gang Hideout Complete all 15 Gang Hideouts. Check the walkthrough guide for videos with all missions.

They Call Him The Vigilante Complete every Investigation You need to complete all Human Traffic, Weapons Trade, Burner Phone, QR Code and Missing Persons. Check the walkthrough guide for videos with all locations.

Peephole Complete every Privacy Invasion Complete all 30 Privacy Invasions. Check the walkthrough guide for videos with all locations.

Road Rage Complete every Criminal Convoy Check the walkthrough guide for videos with all missions.

Enforcer Use the Crime Detection System to take down 20 confirmed criminals Complete 20 crime detection activities which spawn randomly on the map.

Family Man - Story Complete Act 1 Obtained after completing Act I - Dressed in Peels.

Who Is Raymond Kenney? - Story Complete Act 2 Obtained after completing Act II - Way Off the Grid.

One Down, One to Go - Story Complete Act 3 Obtained after completing Act III - By Any Means Necessary.

Vengeance - Story Complete Act 4 Obtained after completing Act IV - No Turning Back.

Log Off - Story Complete Act 5 Obtained after completing Act V - Sometimes You Still Lose.

Hard Crash Perform 10 vehicle take downs This will come during normal gameplay. There are a lot of side missions which require to takedown another vehicle.

Communication Fail Using non-lethal takedown, stop 10 civilians from calling to report you If you perform some criminal acts (take out your gun, hijack a car, etc. ), blume affiliates or normal people might spot you and try to call the police on you. Take the phone from them

Bookmarked Tag 100 enemies You will get this naturally while playing because pressing square button to profile enemies will come quite in handy.

Power Cycle Participate in 5 different City Games There are 5 mini games that needs to be completed: chess, shell game, poker, slot machine and drinking game. Check the mini game walkthrough section for a full video guide of all the mini games.

Magic Smoke Kill 4 enemies within a single instance of Focus Go into a criminal convoy mission and when the target approaches you, press R3 to go into focus mode and use the grenade launcher to hit all the cars killing everyone in it.

Escape Loop Escape 15 police chases This should come naturally if you will try to do side quests because you will get chased a lot.

Free Radical Escape a level 5 police chase The mission White Hat Pack - Shut Down will get you into a police chase level 5 that you need to escape from. If you somehow want to do it in other way, then make sure you do a lot of illegalities, so that police will gather up on you, then when the chase increases to level 5, escape from them.

White Rabbit Object Escape 15 police scans When you do something bad, like shooting, people will call the police. You will have to escape that white scan, after someone called the police. I had to do this around 12 times after finishing the story.

Scanproof Escape a level 5 police scan Shoot at people and cars and use jams to stop people from calling the police, until you reach level 5 of wanted. When you reach the last mark, then let someone call the police and escape with a fast car or with a boat.

Hardware Fail Shoot out a tire on 15 different vehicles Self-explanatory. You can even shoot your own tires.

Black Hat Trick Kill 3 enemies with a single IED Investigation - Weapons Trade is a very good mission to achieve this trophy. There will be a lot of enemies coming at you, and you will have the higher ground, being able to throw IEDs at them.

Revoking Client Privileges Complete the final mission in the Human Traffic Investigation Complete all 10 Human Traffic and then also finish the Investigation mission. Check the walkthrough guide for videos with all locations.

Saturday Night Special Complete the final mission in the Weapons Trade Investigation Complete all 9 Weapons Trade and then also finish the Investigation mission. Check the walkthrough guide for videos with all locations.

Sanity Check Collect all 8 Burner Phones Check the walkthrough guide for videos with all locations.

Read-only Complete the final mission in the QR Code Investigation Complete all 16 QR Code and then also finish the Investigation mission. Check the walkthrough guide for videos with all locations.

Darkness Looms Complete the final mission of the Missing Persons Investigation Complete all 6 Missing Persons and then also finish the Investigation mission. Check the walkthrough guide for videos with all locations.

Geolocated Check in at every Hotspot You can check in at various locations through the city. Check at all of them for this trophy.

Disk Space Full Unlock every song with the SongSneak app You need 23 songs for this trophy. 3 songs are from missions and the other 20 are from hacking people in the street or by going into bars and shops and download the songs from the radio inside.

Social Lubricant Complete level 10 against all 3 Drinking Game opponents There are 3 drinking mini games: The Loop, The Wards, Pawnee. Each mini game has 10 levels that you need to beat. You are looking at around 2 hours of virtually drinking. Do not attempt this trophy while drinking in real life too, vision might get too blurry :))

Hackification - Online Invade and successfully hack 10 enemy Fixers in Online Hacking Complete 10 Online Hacking. It is recommended to use the cameras so you can spot the enemy approaching you, so you can avoid him.

Piggyback - Online Invade and successfully observe 10 enemy Fixers in Online Tailing Complete 10 Online Tailing. It is recommended to use the cameras to successfully observe a target without being spotted.

Superhighway - Online Complete 10 Public Online Races Complete 10 online races, making sure you pass the finish line. You do not need to win it.

System Mangler Complete every ctOS Breach Complete all 16 ctOS Breaches. Check the walkthrough guide for videos with all locations.

Stealth Cookie - Online Complete an Online Tailing without being detected It is recommended to use the cameras to successfully observe a target without being spotted.

Freeware Unlock every Skill in the Skills Tree In order to get all the skills, besides gathering skill points you also need to complete 10 chess puzzles and reach wave 5 in NVZN.

Traced - Online Get tailed 5 times Just leave the game idle until you get this trophy.

Clear Signals Unlock every ctOS Tower Complete all 13 ctOS System towers. Check the walkthrough guide for videos with all locations.


Trophy Roadmap

Act I - Bottom of the Eighth

Hello World - Take down Maurice

Crime Detection Event

Act I - Big Brother

Fixer Contract - Under Construction

Fixer Contract - The Hunter

Mini Games - Shell Game

Fixer Contract - Parker Square Rally

Mini Games - NVZN

Mini Games - Cash Run

Mini Games - Chess

Fixer Contract - Hot Property

Clean Parker Square district

Fixer Contract - Straight and Narrow

Mini Games - Poker

The Wards - Mini Games - Drinking Game

The Loop - Mini Games - Drinking Game

Pawnee - Mini Games - Drinking Game

Social Lubricant - Complete level 10 against all 3 Drinking Game opponents


Superhighway - Complete 10 Public Online Races


Mini Games - Slot Machine

Power Cycle - Participate in 5 different City Games

Act I - Backstage Pass

Clear The Loop district

Gang Hideout - No Parking

Fixer Contract - Muscle Memory

Fixer Contract - Misguided

Gang Hideout - Two For One

Criminal Convoy - Toll Bridge

Fixer Contract - Rogue Data

Criminal Convoy - The Beast

Fixer Contract - Number Crunch

Bookmarked - Tag 100 enemies

Gang Hideout - Street Cleaning

Criminal Convoy - Caught in the Loop

Fixer Contract - Ghost Trail

Fixer Contract - Gateway Timeout

Hard Crash - Perform 10 vehicle take downs

Criminal Convoy - Downtown

Fixer Contract - Urban Exploration

Fixer Contract - Playing it Safe

Criminal Convoy - Made Men

Criminal Convoy - Parker Pursuit

Gang Hideout - Union Dues


Stealth Cookie - Complete an Online Tailing without being detected

Piggyback - Invade and successfully observe 10 enemy Fixers in Online Tailing

Hackification - Invade and successfully hack 10 enemy Fixers in Online Hacking


Fixer Contract - Deadly Loop

Enforcer - Use the Crime Detection System to take down 20 confirmed criminals

Act I - Backseat Driver

Act I - Open Your World

Act I - Thanks for the Tip

Act I - Remember

Fixer Contract - Buffering

Act I - Not the Pizza Guy

Communication Fail - Using non-lethal takedown, stop 10 civilians from calling to report you

Act I - A Wrench in the Works

White Hat Pack - Ctrl

Breakthrough Pack - Breakthrough

The Palace Pack - The Palace

The Palace Pack - Hard Drives

Act I - Dressed in Peels

Family Man - Complete Act 1

Act II - Hold On, Kiddo

Act II - Tools of the Trade

Clear Brandon Docks district

Fixer Contract - Muscle Out

Fixer Contract - Pier Pressure

Fixer Contract - Pickup and Run

Fixer Contract - Industry Standards

Fixer Contract - In the Spotlight

Gang Hideout - Port Authority

Gang Hideout - Packing

Criminal Convoy - Lords of the Wards

Fixer Contract - Raid

Fixer Contract - Derailed

Act II - Breakable Things

Fixer Contract - Delivery Man

Act II - Collateral

Act II - One Foot in the Grave

Fixer Contract - Tracked

Act II - A Blank Spot There-ish

Clear The Wards district

Fixer Contract - Data Leech

Fixer Contract - Distraction

Criminal Convoy - Dockwork

Gang Hideout - Gone in a Flash

Exclusive Contract - Signature Shot

Criminal Convoy - No Rules

Gang Hideout - Swap Meet

Fixer Contract - Hard Shoulder

Gang Hideout - Compliments for the Cook

Fixer Contract - Members Only

Criminal Convoy - Into the Pit

White Hat Pack - Alt

Escape Loop - Escape 15 police chases

Fixer Contract - Road Soldier

Fixer Contract - Double Vision

White Hat Pack - Delete

Fixer Contract - Bandwidth Exceeded

Act II - Jury-Rigged

Fixer Contract - Grand Triathlon

Act II - Grandma's Bulldog

Fixer Contract - Armored Pursuit

Act II - Not a Job for Tyrone

Fixer Contract - Connection Interrupted

Act II - Uninvited

Act II - Breadcrumbs

Clear Mad Mile district

Clear Signals - Unlock every ctOS Tower

System Mangler - Complete every ctOS Breach

Peephole - Complete every Privacy Invasion

Criminal Convoy - Chasing Shadows

Investigation - Weapons Trade

Black Hat Trick - Kill 3 enemies with a single IED

Saturday Night Special - Complete the final mission in the Weapons Trade Investigation

Criminal Convoy - Excessive Force

Criminal Convoy - Juggernaut

Fixer Contract - Wild Ride

Criminal Convoy - The Quick Fix

Criminal Convoy - Long Division

Gang Hideout - The Tower

Fixer Contract - Deception

Gang Hideout - The Low Road

Fixer Contract - Lap of Luxury

Fixer Contract - Escape Artist

Criminal Convoy - Milita Mile

Fixer Contract - Showroom Condition

White Hat Pack - Shut Down

Free Radical - Escape a level 5 police chase

Act II - Stare Into the Abyss

Act II - A Risky Bid

Fixer Contract - Railroaded

End of Line - Complete 40 Fixer Contracts

Act II - Role Model

Act II - Planting a Bug

Act II - Way Off the Grid

Who Is Raymond Kenney? - Complete Act 2

Clear Pawnee district

Geolocated - Check in at every Hotspot

Investigation - Human Traffic

Revoking Client Privileges - Complete the final mission in the Human Traffic Investigation

Gang Hideout - Burning Bridges

Gang Hideout - Decapitated

Gang Hideout - Out of the Woodwork

Gang Hideout - Beached

Basest Base - Complete every Gang Hideout

Criminal Convoy - Small Town Justice

Magic Smoke - Kill 4 enemies within a single instance of Focus

Act III - Hope is a Sad Thing

Hardware Fail - Shoot out a tire on 15 different vehicles

Sanity Check - Collect all 8 Burner Phones

Investigation - Missing Persons

Darkness Looms - Complete the final mission of the Missing Persons Investigation

Investigation - QR Code

Read-only - Complete the final mission in the QR Code Investigation

They Call Him The Vigilante - Complete every Investigation

Act III - A Pit of Paranoia

Act III - Unstoppable Force

Criminal Convoy - Requiescat in Pace

Road Rage - Complete every Criminal Convoy

Act III - The Future is in Blume

Act III - For the Portofolio

Freeware - Unlock every Skill in the Skills Tree

Act III - By Any Means Necessary

One Down, One to Go - Complete Act 3

Act IV - Someone's Knocking

Act IV - In Plain Sight

Act IV - The Rat's Lair

Act IV - The Defalt Condition

Act IV - Little Sister

Act IV - Ghosts of the Past

Act IV - No Turning Back

Vengeance - Complete Act 4

Act V - Sometimes You Still Lose

Log Off - Complete Act 5

Free roam after completing the story

White Rabbit Object - Escape 15 police scans

Scanproof - Escape a level 5 police scan

Disk Space Full - Unlock every song with the SongSneak app

Traced - Get tailed 5 times

100% Clear - This is the platinum trophy and is unlocked automatically when all the trophies have been unlocked.

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