Tarot Readings Premium - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Difficulty: 1/10
Duration: 18 minutes
Offline trophies: All
Online trophies: None
DLC: None
Minimum number of playthroughs: 1
Number of missable trophies: 0
Number of trophies that would require long backtrack or replay in case you missed them: 0
Price: 8.99 € / 8.99 $
Trophies: 11 (0P, 4G, 7S, 0B)
Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
Tarot Readings Premium is a tarot reading game published by CrazySoft.
In terms of trophies, it is an easy and fast game:
You need to play 1 reading of each mode: celtic cross, three cards, romance, career, and multiplayer
You need to play 1 game with a historic deck, can be changed from card decks
During one of the games, press the zoom button on the card and then zoom compare
Now the most time-consuming trophy, you need to play 1 game in 5 different days. To speed this up, you can change the date from your console, start a game like three cards since it is faster, save the reading then close the game and change the date again. After you have your 5 saved reading in different days, load any of it for the last trophy.
Celtic cross reading
Start and finish one Celtic cross reading.
Three card reading
Start and finish one three card reading.
Romance reading
Start and finish one romance reading.
Career reading
Start and finish one career reading.
Zoom card
Zoom and examine one card.
During one of the games, press the zoom button on the card.
Zoom and compare
After zooming a card, compare it with the same 4 cards from other decks.
During one of the games, press the zoom button on the card and then zoom compare
Load saved reading
Go to the saved readings card and load one saved reading.
After finishing one reading, go to saved reading and replay that reading.
Historic style
Do any tarot reading using a historic card style.
You need to play 1 game with a historic deck, can be changed from card decks
4 spreads
Do the celtic cross, three cards, romance and career readings. Back to back, through the end.
Play each of 4 modes in a row without quitting the game.
Save different readings
Save at least 5 readings with completely different dates.
Now the most time-consuming trophy, you need to play 1 game in 5 different days.
To speed this up, you can change the date from your console, start a game like three cards since it is faster, save the reading then close the game and change the date again.
Do a multiplayer tarot reading until the end.
Play 1 multiplayer game with 2 players.
You only need 1 controller.
Trophy Roadmap
Celtic cross
Historic style - Do any tarot reading using a historic card style.
Zoom card - Zoom and examine one card.
Zoom and compare - After zooming a card, compare it with the same 4 cards from other decks.
Celtic cross reading - Start and finish one Celtic cross reading.
Load saved reading - Go to the saved readings card and load one saved reading.
Three cards
Three card reading - Start and finish one three card reading.
Romance reading - Start and finish one romance reading.
Career reading - Start and finish one career reading.
4 spreads - Do the celtic cross, three cards, romance and career readings. Back to back, through the end.
Multiplayer - Do a multiplayer tarot reading until the end.
Three cards
Save different readings - Save at least 5 readings with completely different dates.