Stroke The Dog: The Dog Quiz - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Difficulty: 2/10
Duration: 11 minutes
Offline trophies: All
Online trophies: None
DLC: 5 DLC trophy packs
Minimum number of playthroughs: 1
Number of missable trophies: 6
Number of trophies that would require long backtrack or replay in case you missed them: 0
Price: Free
Trophies: 3 (0G, 0S, 3B) + 3 (0G, 0S, 3B) + 3 (0G, 0S, 3B) + 3 (0G, 0S, 3B) + 3 (0G, 0S, 3B)
Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
This is a Free DLC for Stroke the Dog published by Game Achievements.
In terms of trophies, it is an easy game:
It has 5 DLC trophy packs
You need to answer 10 questions correctly in a row and 10 questions wrong in a row.
Here are the questions I have encountered and their answers:
"Dog years" are the same for all dogs. - FALSE
A cat is a type of dog. - FALSE
A dog generally has 4 legs. - TRUE
A dog is an animal. - TRUE
A dog is as smart as a 2 year old child. - TRUE
A dog that's wagging his tail is happy - FALSE
A dog's mouth is cleaner than a human's - FALSE
A dry nose means illness - FALSE
A good dog won't bite - FALSE
A humans ears are in fact better at hearing than a dogs. - FALSE
All dogs have different noses. - TRUE
All puppies are born deaf. - TRUE
Chihuahuas are born with a soft spot in their skull which closes with age. - TRUE
Chocolate can be fatal for dogs - TRUE
Dalmatians are born completely white - TRUE
Dogs are colorblind. - FALSE
Dogs are direct descendats of wolves - TRUE
Dogs are never jealous. - FALSE
Dogs can actually drive cars. - FALSE
Dogs can hold their breath for 15 minutes. - FALSE
Dogs can learn more than 1,000 words - TRUE
Dogs cannot dream. - FALSE
Dogs generally like cats. - TRUE
Dogs have a sense of time - TRUE
Dogs heat up more quickly than humans - TRUE
Dogs like to poo facing north or south. - TRUE
Dogs only have sweat glands in their paws. - TRUE
Dogs sniff butts to learn about each other - TRUE
Every US president has owned a dog. - FALSE
Food will motivate any dog - FALSE
Greyhounds can beat cheetahs in a longer distance race. - TRUE
Human blood pressure goes down when petting a dog - TRUE
Humans can aste more than dogs. - TRUE
If a guy has a dog with him, he's three times more likely to get a girl's phone number. - TRUE
Lassie was the first animal in the Animal Hall of Fame - TRUE
Like humans, dogs have one eyelid per eye. - FALSE
More baths means a cleaner dog - FALSE
Obesity is dogs' number one health problem - TRUE
One dog year is seven human years - FALSE
Over 50% of people put pets in family and holiday portraits. - TRUE
Puppies are able to see when they are born. - FALSE
Table scraps are fine for a dog to eat - FALSE
The Australian Shepherd is not actually from Australia - TRUE
The oldest dog lived to be 35 - FALSE
The smallest ever dog was just 3.8 inches tall. - TRUE
The St. Bernard is the heaviest dog breed. - TRUE
There are around 900 million dogs in the world - TRUE
There are over 200 million pet dogs in the U.S. - FALSE
Three dogs survived the Titan - TRUE
The Dog Quiz
Answered 5 Questions
You answered 5 questions, right or wrong, doesn't matter!
Answered 10 Questions
You answered 10 questions, right or wrong, doesn't matter!
Answered 15 Questions
You answered 15 questions, right or wrong, doesn't matter!
Smarty Pants
1 Correct Answer
You answered a question correctly.
5 Correct Answers
You answered 5 questions correctly.
10 Answers Correct
You answered 10 question correctly.
3 In A Row
You answered 3 questions right in a row.
5 In A Row
You answered 5 questions right in a row.
10 In A Row
You answered 10 questions right in a row.
Not So Smarty Pants
1 Wrong Answer
Answered a question incorrectly.
5 Questions Wrong
Answered 5 questions incorrectly.
10 Wrong Answers
Answered 10 questions incorrectly.
3 Wrong In A Row
You got three questions wrong in a row.
5 Wrong In A Row
You got 5 questions wrong in a row.
10 Wrong In A Row
You got 10 questions wrong in a row. You must have done that on purpose!
Trophy Roadmap
1 Wrong Answer - Answered a question incorrectly.
1 Correct Answer - You answered a question correctly.
Answered 5 Questions - You answered 5 questions, right or wrong, doesn't matter!
5 Correct Answers - You answered 5 questions correctly.
3 In A Row - You answered 3 questions right in a row.
Answered 10 Questions - You answered 10 questions, right or wrong, doesn't matter!
5 Questions Wrong - Answered 5 questions incorrectly.
Answered 15 Questions - You answered 15 questions, right or wrong, doesn't matter!
10 Answers Correct - You answered 10 question correctly.
5 In A Row - You answered 5 questions right in a row.
10 Wrong Answers - Answered 10 questions incorrectly.
3 Wrong In A Row - You got three questions wrong in a row.
5 Wrong In A Row - You got 5 questions wrong in a row.
10 In A Row - You answered 10 questions right in a row.
10 Wrong In A Row - You got 10 questions wrong in a row. You must have done that on purpose!