Raptor Boyfriend: A High School Romance - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Difficulty: 1/10
Duration: 16 minutes
Offline trophies: All
Online trophies: None
DLC: None
Minimum number of playthroughs: 3
Number of missable trophies: 0
Number of trophies that would require long backtrack or replay in case you missed them: 0
Price: 13.99 € / 13.99 $
Trophies: 12 (1P, 11G, 0S, 0B)
Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
Love Master
Unlock all other trophies.
Raptor Boyfriend: A High School Romance is a classic visual novel game created by Rocket Adrift and published by EastAsiaSoft.
In terms of trophies, it is an easy game which can be completed in 15 minutes:
Before starting the game, go to options and for the skip option select unseen text, after choices, transitions, and increase the speed to maximum for text speed and auto-forward time
Start a new game and press the R1 button to skip the text
The game, has a lot of choices, so i am not going to list all of them because they are quite redundant or most of the time, the good answer is choice 1
Always go with choice 1, except for these questions from below
When you are back in the house, always go upstairs, go to bed and call someone
Walkthrough 1
First time when you meet Day, on the 4th question you can ask her 3) Can You Fly
Make Save Game 1 when you need to choose who to call for the first time after going to bed
In this walkthrough always call Robert, or when you see a question which asks you to do an action with one of the 3 characters, choose Robert
At the start of chapter 2, the first question you are being asked, choose: 2) Being Like A Ninja
In chapter 3, Day will come over to you. After you call Robert 1 more time, now pay attention to the questions. For the second and third questions choose 3) Grenadine and 3) Ginger Ale.
In chapter 3 as well, you will arrive at the Lake with Day and choose 3) The Queens of Pranks
Now finish the game
Walkthrough 2
Choose to continue
In this walkthrough always call Taylor, or when you see a question which asks you to do an action with one of the 3 characters, choose Taylor
In chapter 5, after calling Taylor, you will visit him and for the first question choose 3) Do You Wanna Talk About It?
Now finish the game
Walkthrough 3
Choose to continue
In this walkthrough always call Day, or when you see a question which asks you to do an action with one of the 3 characters, choose Day
Finish the game and enjoy the platinum
Welcome to Ladle
You've moved in to Ladle. Welcome!
First Day of School
Attend the first day of Senior year.
The Queens of Pranks
You got back at the Pranktor!
That's a Reference ;)
We would definitely love these two.
It's Good, Actually
Not a bad first mixed drink!
Oops, All Cindys
You picked the same name as your mark.
Taylor Route
You got Taylor's ending.
Day Route
You got Day's ending.
Robert Route
You got Robert's ending.
More than Bandmates
Taylor opened up about the true nature of his relationship with Brandon.
Flight of the Fae
You are a fae expert.
Trophy Roadmap
Walkthrough 1
Welcome to Ladle - You've moved in to Ladle. Welcome!
First Day of School - Attend the first day of Senior year.
That's a Reference ;) - We would definitely love these two.
It's Good, Actually - Not a bad first mixed drink!
Oops, All Cindys - You picked the same name as your mark.
The Queens of Pranks - You got back at the Pranktor!
Robert Route - You got Robert's ending.
Walkthrough 2
More than Bandmates - Taylor opened up about the true nature of his relationship with Brandon.
Taylor Route - You got Taylor's ending.
Walkthrough 3
Flight of the Fae - You are a fae expert.
Day Route - You got Day's ending.
Love Master - Unlock all other trophies.