Portal Dungeon: Goblin Escape - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Difficulty: 2/10
Duration: 3 hours
Offline trophies: All
Online trophies: None
DLC: None
Minimum number of playthroughs: 1 + more runs of portal 20
Number of missable trophies: 0
Number of trophies that would require long backtrack or replay in case you missed them: 5
Price: 10.99 € / 10.99 $
Trophies: 26 (1P, 8G, 5S, 12B)
Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
Was it escape?
Unlock all other trophies.
Portal Dungeon: Goblin Escape is an action RPG game published by DillyFrame Games.
In terms of trophies, it is an easy game which can be completed in around 3 hours:
You will spend around 2 hours completing the game and 1 hour to farm xp and coins in portal 20
The goal is to fully explore each portal, kill all enemies and destroy all items so you can loot coins and xp, find the key and exit the portal
You will need to finish the game, meaning all 20 portals, reach level 15, upgrade the armor to level 5 and the weapon to level 25
To help the grind, you have 3 daily challenges. I would advise you to try to complete them, and if you can't then reset them with a refresh token. You can find a refresh token randomly throughout the levels.
Even after fully exploring the game I was missing the trophies Upgrade your character level to 15 and Upgrade weapon to level 25. I would advise you to keep replaying portal 20 until you reach level 15 and have enough coins to upgrade your weapon to level 25.
Most of the trophies will come naturally but there are 5 trophies which will require you to pay a little bit of attention.
Save a prisoner in portal 2 by breaking the door from his cell.
Free the miner from portal 5 by killing him.
Donate by interacting with the donation terminal from portal 5.
In portal 6, near the end when you reach the Cemetery, look at the tomb building and see the number from above then destroy that number of tombstones from each graveyard. Do this in front of each of the tomb buildings and spawn the Cemetery monster.
In portal 11, make a rat die from a laser.
First step
Find a portal key
Story related since you need the key to open the exit portal.
My treasure
Open 5 treasure chests
Unmissable since you should explore and destroy everything.
Weapon strength
Upgrade a weapon
Find a refresh token
You can find a refresh token randomly throughout the levels.
You can't buy health
Restore health using terminal
Unmissable since you should restore your health after each portal.
Nothing is eternal
Will come naturally at the second boss fight.
Many legs
Kill the Spider Boss
Level 4.
Woof! Woof! Woof!
Kill the Barghest Boss
Level 8.
She's a queen
Kill the Rat Queen
Level 12.
I'm too tired
Kill the Lizard Boss
Level 16.
They had no chances
Clear 20 portal
Finish the game.
Give me 5
Upgrade your character level to 5
Give me 10
Upgrade your character level to 10
Give me 15
Upgrade your character level to 15
Even after fully exploring the game I was missing the trophies Upgrade your character level to 15 and Upgrade weapon to level 25.
I would advise you to keep replaying portal 20 until you reach level 15 and have enough coins to upgrade your weapon to level 25.
10 challenges
Complete 10 challenges
To help the grind, you have 3 daily challenges.
I would advise you to try to complete them, and if you can't then reset them with a refresh token.
You can find a refresh token randomly throughout the levels.
Full set
Upgrade armor to level 5
After each portal, check the armor terminal and upgrade your armor.
Maximum strength
Upgrade weapon to level 25
Even after fully exploring the game I was missing the trophies Upgrade your character level to 15 and Upgrade weapon to level 25.
I would advise you to keep replaying portal 20 until you reach level 15 and have enough coins to upgrade your weapon to level 25.
Money can not buy happiness
Accumulate 10000
This will come naturally.
I know them all
Unlock all the enemies in the bestiary
This will come naturally.
We're the same blood
Save a prisoner
Save a prisoner in portal 2 by breaking the door from his cell.
This one is different
Teleport using yellow portal
This will come naturally.
Give, and it will be given to you
Make a donation
Donate by interacting with the donation terminal from portal 5.
Сemetery secret
Find out what is hidden on the Cemetery
In portal 6, near the end when you reach the Cemetery, look at the tomb building and see the number from above then destroy that number of tombstones from each graveyard.
Do this in front of each of the tomb buildings and spawn the Cemetery monster.
Let them die
Make an enemy die without using weapon
In portal 11, make a rat die from a laser.
Strange Freedom
Free the miner
Free the miner from portal 5 by killing him.
Trophy Roadmap
Freshness - Find a refresh token
First step - Find a portal key
Weapon strength - Upgrade a weapon
We're the same blood - Save a prisoner
You can't buy health - Restore health using terminal
Give me 5 - Upgrade your character level to 5
My treasure - Open 5 treasure chests
Many legs - Kill the Spider Boss
10 challenges - Complete 10 challenges
This one is different - Teleport using yellow portal
Strange Freedom - Free the miner
Give, and it will be given to you - Make a donation
Give me 10 - Upgrade your character level to 10
Сemetery secret - Find out what is hidden on the Cemetery
Full set - Upgrade armor to level 5
Nothing is eternal - Die
Woof! Woof! Woof! - Kill the Barghest Boss
Money can not buy happiness - Accumulate 10000
Let them die - Make an enemy die without using weapon
She's a queen - Kill the Rat Queen
I'm too tired - Kill the Lizard Boss
I know them all - Unlock all the enemies in the bestiary
They had no chances - Clear 20 portal
Give me 15 - Upgrade your character level to 15
Maximum strength - Upgrade weapon to level 25
Was it escape? - Unlock all other trophies.