Mystic Fate - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Difficulty: 4/10
Duration: 1 hour and 30 minutes Offline trophies: All Online trophies: None
DLC: None Minimum number of playthroughs: 1 Number of missable trophies: 12
Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
Mystic Fate
Complete all Trophies
Mystic Fate is a straightforward game in terms of the trophies, even the 12 trophies which are missable are on the main path of the game, but the gameplay mechanic, especially the shooting and targeting, make this game a bit harder:
Complete the tutorial
Talk with everyone in the free roam
Complete the 1st dungeon without dying and gather all the scrolls
Complete the other 2 dungeons and gather all the scrolls
Gather the remaining scrolls from the free roam section
Defeat the final boss
Check the video from below for a complete walkthrough with all the scrolls collected and all the trophies obtained.
Reviewing lessons - Story
Complete the tutorial.
There is no turning back - Story
Get the first orb.
Obtained at the end of the 1st dungeon.
No fear - Story
Get the second orb.
Obtained at the end of the 2nd dungeon.
Destiny is written - Story
Get the third orb.
Obtained at the end of the 3rd dungeon.
May the stars of the past lift your way - Story
Kill Vilary and save the kingdom of Asfand.
Final boss can be accessed after finding all the 3 orbs from each of the dungeons.
Once upon a time in Asfand ... - Missable
Get the first scroll.
Can be found during the 1st dungeon.
Solving old mysteries - Missable
Get "For a better future"
Can be found during free roam on the road towards the 1st dungeon.
See you soon - Story
Get the last Scroll
Automatically obtained after defeating the final boss.
Invincible - Missable
Finish a dungeon without dying
Reading the description of the trophy, this should be a missable trophy, but i got it after finishing the 1st dungeon while dying once.
And i saw a lot of videos on YouTube with people getting this trophy, while dying once in the 1st dungeon.
Know how to listen - Missable
Talk to all the villagers
After the tutorial talk with all the 3 villagers from the town.
I will do it for you - Story
Obtain Demyr's Daggers.
Can be found during the 3rd dungeon.
It could be of use to me - Story
Obtain the sword of the ancient Sanyr warriors.
Can be found during the 2nd dungeon.
The Birth of Asfand - Missable
Get "The Birth of Asfand"
Can be found during free roam on the road towards the 2nd dungeon.
Guild Rules - Missable
Get "Guild Rules"
Can be found during free roam on the road towards the 2nd dungeon.
The Beginning - Missable
Get "The Start"
Can be found during the 1st dungeon.
A Differential Factor - Missable
Get "A differential factor"
Can be found during the 1st dungeon.
The forging of the keys - Story
Read "There is no turning back"
Automatically obtained after finishing the 1st dungeon.
Winners and losers - Missable
Get "Winners and Losers"
Can be found during the 2nd dungeon.
My journey is over - Missable
Get "My journey is over"
Can be found during the 2nd dungeon.
Damn disease - Story
Get "Damn Disease"
Automatically obtained after finishing the 2nd dungeon.
My last message - Story
Get "My last message"
Automatically obtained after finding the Demyr's Daggers in the 3rd dungeon.
The light that will guide you - Missable
Get "The Light That Will Guide You"
Can be found during the 3rd dungeon.
Everything comes to an end - Story
Get "Everything comes to an end"
Automatically obtained after finishing the 3rd dungeon.
Unlimited Power - Missable
Get "Unlimited Power"
Can be found during free roam on the road towards the 2nd dungeon.
Trophy Roadmap
Reviewing lessons - Complete the tutorial.
Free Roam
Know how to listen - Talk to all the villagers
Dungeon 1
Once upon a time in Asfand ... - Get the first scroll.
A Differential Factor - Get "A differential factor"
The Beginning - Get "The Start"
Invincible - Finish a dungeon without dying
There is no turning back - Get the first orb.
The forging of the keys - Read "There is no turning back"
Dungeon 2
It could be of use to me - Obtain the sword of the ancient Sanyr warriors.
Winners and losers - Get "Winners and Losers"
My journey is over - Get "My journey is over"
Damn disease - Get "Damn Disease"
No fear - Get the second orb.
Dungeon 3
My last message - Get "My last message"
I will do it for you - Obtain Demyr's Daggers.
The light that will guide you - Get "The Light That Will Guide You"
Everything comes to an end - Get "Everything comes to an end"
Destiny is written - Get the third orb.
Free Roam
The Birth of Asfand - Get "The Birth of Asfand"
Guild Rules - Get "Guild Rules"
Unlimited Power - Get "Unlimited Power"
Solving old mysteries - Get "For a better future"
Final Boss
May the stars of the past lift your way - Kill Vilary and save the kingdom of Asfand.
See you soon - Get the last Scroll
Mystic Fateb - Complete all Trophies