Mages and Treasures - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Difficulty: 1/10
Duration: 20 minutes
Offline trophies: All
Online trophies: None
DLC: None
Minimum number of playthroughs: 2 levels
Number of missable trophies: 0
Number of trophies that would require long backtrack or replay in case you missed them: 2
Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
Platinum Mage
Get all other trophies.
Mages and Treasures is an indie adventure game published by Ratalaika Games.
In terms of trophies, it is an easy and fast game:
Before starting the game, go to options and select easy mode
Reach the 2nd boss
Solve 5 puzzles, this should come naturally while trying to open the doors to reach 2nd boss
Find 1 HP booster and 1 MP booster
Get 100 coins by defeating enemies, opening chests, or finding them in the grass
Defeat 100 enemies
Get more health
Find your first HP booster.
You can find 1 HP booster in level 1.
Get more magic
Find your first MP booster.
You can find 1 MP booster in level 2.
Barrel Pusher!
Solve 5 puzzles.
This should come naturally while trying to open the doors to reach 2nd boss
Getting some coins!
Get 25 coins.
Coin Hunter!
Get 50 coins.
A Rich Mage!
Get 100 coins.
Get 100 coins by defeating enemies, opening chests, or finding them in the grass
The Great Mage!
Defeat 25 enemies.
The Powerful Mage!
Defeat 50 enemies.
The Amazing Mage!
Defeat 100 enemies.
First Guardian! - Story
Defeat the first Boss.
Second Guardian! - Story
Find the second Boss.
Trophy Roadmap
Level 1
Getting some coins! - Get 25 coins.
Coin Hunter! - Get 50 coins.
A Rich Mage! - Get 100 coins.
The Great Mage! - Defeat 25 enemies.
Get more health - Find your first HP booster.
First Guardian! - Defeat the first Boss.
Level 2
The Powerful Mage! - Defeat 50 enemies.
Barrel Pusher! - Solve 5 puzzles.
Get more magic - Find your first MP booster.
The Amazing Mage! - Defeat 100 enemies.
Second Guardian! - Find the second Boss.
Platinum Mage - Get all other trophies.