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Easter Candy Run - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Writer's picture: ScorpioOfShadowsScorpioOfShadows

Easter Candy Run - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Difficulty: 1/10

Duration: 4 minutes

Offline trophies: All

Online trophies: None

DLC: None

Minimum number of playthroughs: 2 levels

Number of missable trophies: 0

Number of trophies that would require long backtrack or replay in case you missed them: 1

Price: 7.99 € / 6.99 $

Trophies: 12 (1P, 11G, 0S, 0B)


Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Easter Candy Run master

Collect all trophies in game.

Easter Candy Run is another game published by SMobile in the Run game series.

In terms of trophies, this Run series is much easier than the Break series:

  • Use X to jump and O to boost

  • You need to complete level 1 without getting hit by any obstacle

  • You need to gather 3 items

  • You need to destroy 3 obstacles. You destroy them by pressing the circle button and boosting through them.

  • The rest of the trophies will come naturally when you finish level 1.

  • For the mini boss trophy, you need to complete level 2. You can try directly to play level 2 and attempt all the trophies there, but i preferred to go the safe way since level 1 is extremely easy and you can do it in 1 minute without getting hit.

Boost run

Run with boost.

Press the circle button to boost once.

Will come naturally since you need to boost in order to destroy obstacles.

Collect an egg

Collect an egg while running.

You need to gather 3 items and there will be more than enough items in level 1.

Destroy an obstacle

Destroy an obstacle while running.

You need to press the circle button so you can boost through obstacles and destroy them.

You need to destroy 3 obstacles and there weren't enough obstacles for me in level 1, so I earned the trophy for destroying 3 obstacles in level 2.

Defeat mini boss - Story

Defeat a mini boss while running.

Complete level 2.

Collect 2 eggs

Collect 2 eggs while running.

You need to gather 3 items and there will be more than enough items in level 1.

Destroy 2 obstacles

Destroy 2 obstacles while running.

You need to press the circle button so you can boost through obstacles and destroy them.

You need to destroy 3 obstacles and there weren't enough obstacles for me in level 1, so I earned the trophy for destroying 3 obstacles in level 2.

Run 1 minute - Story

Run for 1 minute.

This will come naturally after completing level 1.

Collect 3 eggs

Collect 3 eggs while running.

You need to gather 3 items and there will be more than enough items in level 1.

Destroy 3 obstacles

Destroy 3 obstacles while running.

You need to press the circle button so you can boost through obstacles and destroy them.

You need to destroy 3 obstacles and there weren't enough obstacles for me in level 1, so I earned the trophy for destroying 3 obstacles in level 2.

Complete a level - Story

Complete a level in game.

Complete 1 level.

Complete a level without damage

Complete a level in game without getting hurt.

You can try directly to play level 2 and attempt all the trophies there, but i preferred to go the safe way since level 1 is extremely easy and you can do it in 1 minute without getting hit.

You need to press the circle button so you can boost through obstacles and destroy them.


Trophy Roadmap

Level 1

Collect an egg - Collect an egg while running.

Collect 2 eggs - Collect 2 eggs while running.

Collect 3 eggs - Collect 3 eggs while running.

Destroy an obstacle - Destroy an obstacle while running.

Boost run - Run with boost.

Run 1 minute - Run for 1 minute.

Complete a level without damage - Complete a level in game without getting hurt.

Complete a level - Complete a level in game.

Level 2

Destroy 2 obstacles - Destroy 2 obstacles while running.

Destroy 3 obstacles - Destroy 3 obstacles while running.

Defeat mini boss - Defeat a mini boss while running.

Easter Candy Run master - Collect all trophies in game.

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