Crossbow Crusade - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Difficulty: 1/10 (due to cheats)
Duration: 40 minutes Offline trophies: All Online trophies: None
DLC: None Minimum number of playthroughs: 1 Number of missable trophies: 6
Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
Platinum crusader!
Unlock all other trophies
Crossbow Crusade is a very easy game if you use the invincibility cheat code:
Up, Up, Down, Down, Up, Up, Right, Left, Left, Right, Triangle in the main menu
Most of the trophies will come naturally through the game
Collect the half tickets from the levels: 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11
There are 2 extra halves in levels: 13 and 15
You only need 3 full tickets so you can upgrade your crossbow fully from that shady man
Die 9 times by jumping into traps or falling down
Roll 33 times by pressing the circle button
Check the video from below for a complete walkthrough with all levels completed, all upgrades obtained, and all trophies obtained.
Transilvanian Hunger - Story
Complete the first level
Ghostly race - Story
Complete the fourth level
Ghostly flight - Story
Complete the eighth level
Ghostly cruise - Story
Complete the twelfth level
Garden of no escape - Story
Defeat the Gardener
It is the boss of level 3.
Which one is a witch? - Story
Defeat the Witch
It is the boss of level 7.
Cannibal's corpse - Story
Defeath the Cannibal
It is the boss of level 11.
Long Live the King! - Story
Defeat the King
It is the boss of level 15.
Money! - Story
Collect 10 coins
I got this trophy in level 1.
Money, Money! - Story
Collect 50 coins
I got this trophy in level 3.
Money, Money, Money! - Story
Collect 100 coins
I got this trophy in level 7.
Exorcist - Story
Destroy 10 enemies
I got this trophy in level 1.
Purifying flame - Story
Destroy 72 enemies
I got this trophy in level 4.
You don't belong in this world! - Story
Destroy 100 enemies
I got this trophy in level 5.
Crossbow improver - Missable
Purchase the first crossbow enhancement
Halves can be found in level 2 and 3, and the shop is in level 3.
Weapon of dreams - Missable
Purchase the second crossbow enhancement
Halves can be found in level 5 and 7, and the shop is in level 7.
Ultimate weapon - Missable
Purchase the third crossbow enhancement
Halves can be found in level 9 and 11, and the shop is in level 11.
Not a good day - Missable
Die 9 times
Due to the cheat code, you will die very rarely.
In any level, jump down and kill yourself 9 times.
One way ticket - Missable
Assemble the first ticket
First halves can be found in level 2 and 3.
Keep on rollin', baby - Missable
Roll 33 times
Rolling can be done by pressing the circle button.
You will not use due to the cheat code.
Best place to spam it, is during any boss.
At first he was a jumpman - Story
Jump 244 times
I got this trophy in level 5.
Trophy Roadmap
Level 1
Money! - Collect 10 coins
Exorcist - Destroy 10 enemies
Transilvanian Hunger - Complete the first level
Level 3
One way ticket - Assemble the first ticket
Crossbow improver - Purchase the first crossbow enhancement
Money, Money! - Collect 50 coins
Garden of no escape - Defeat the Gardener
Level 4
Purifying flame - Destroy 72 enemies
Ghostly race - Complete the fourth level
Level 5
At first he was a jumpman - Jump 244 times
You don't belong in this world! - Destroy 100 enemies
Level 7
Money, Money, Money! - Collect 100 coins
Weapon of dreams - Purchase the second crossbow enhancement
Which one is a witch? - Defeat the Witch
Level 8
Ghostly flight - Complete the eighth level
Level 9
Not a good day - Die 9 times
Level 11
Ultimate weapon - Purchase the third crossbow enhancement
Keep on rollin', baby - Roll 33 times
Cannibal's corpse - Defeath the Cannibal
Level 12
Ghostly cruise - Complete the twelfth level
Level 15
Long Live the King! - Defeat the King
Platinum crusader! - Unlock all other trophies