Bunny Reversi - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Difficulty: 2/10
Duration: 30 minutes
Offline trophies: All
Online trophies: 1, you need a second controller for splitscreen
DLC: None
Minimum number of playthroughs: 3 - 5 games
Number of missable trophies: 0
Number of trophies that would require long backtrack or replay in case you missed them: 0
Price: 1.99 € / 1.99 $
Trophies: 13 (1P, 11G, 1S, 0B)
You are a champion!
Bunny Reversi is a game of Reversi published by DillyFrame Games.
In terms of trophies, it is an easy game which can be completed in under 30 minutes:
You can complete the whole game in 3 games:
1 game against AI at Difficulty 3 with hints off - Lose
1 game against AI at Difficulty 3 with hints off - Win
1 game on splitscreen
Because I didn't know how to play Reversi, i have got the platinum in 5 games:
1 game against AI at Difficulty 1 with hints on - Win
1 game against AI at Difficulty 1 with hints off - Lose
1 game against AI at Difficulty 1 with hints off - Win
1 game against AI at Difficulty 3 with hints on - Win
1 game on splitscreen
In one of these games, you need you make sure you also do the miscellaneous trophies
Use all emotes by pressing twice the DPad in all directions: Up, Down, Left, Right
Swim for 10 minutes in the water that flows from the waterfall
At the end of this water, you will find a teleporter that send you above the waterfall
Jump from the waterfall
Kick 15 chickens with the circle button
After your move, make sure to go in front of the AI bot, so he can kick you
After completing a game of Reversi, when you start the next one, pause the game and change the customization of the disks to the new unlocked one
Some gameplay tips for Reversi:
You put the disk on the board with the square button
Always strive to get the corners of the board or the spot on the margin. This will help you to get more disks near the end and control the board from a direction
In order to play without hints, pause the game at the start and disabled them without making your first move
Bot's best friend
Win 1 match against AI
Can be done on any difficulty.
Champion loves you
Lose 1 match against AI
Can be done on any difficulty.
Hard bot
Win a match against AI at 3d level of difficulty
Beat AI on difficulty 3.
Not so hard
Win any match against AI with hints option off
Can be done on any difficulty.
In order to play without hints, pause the game at the start and disabled them without making your first move
Split friends
Complete a match in splitscreen mode
You need a second controller to start a game on splitscreen.
Use all emotes
Use all emotes by pressing twice the DPad in all directions: Up, Down, Left, Right
Swim 10 meters
Swim for 10 minutes in the water that flows from the waterfall
I'm falling
Jump from the waterfall into the river
Swim for 10 minutes in the water that flows from the waterfall.
At the end of this water, you will find a teleporter that send you above the waterfall.
Jump from the waterfall.
New view
Apply any disk customization except the default one
After completing a game of Reversi, when you start the next one, pause the game and change the customization of the disks to the new unlocked one
Kick chickens 15 times without leaving the game
Kick 15 chickens with the circle button
Not only one
Find second teleport
Swim for 10 minutes in the water that flows from the waterfall.
At the end of this water, you will find a teleporter that send you above the waterfall.
Don't stand on my way!
Be kicked by Bot
After your move, make sure to go in front of the AI bot, so he can kick you
Trophy Roadmap
Emoteman - Use all emotes
Swimmer - Swim 10 meters
Not only one - Find second teleport
I'm falling - Jump from the waterfall into the river
Kicker - Kick chickens 15 times without leaving the game
Don't stand on my way! - Be kicked by Bot
Bot's best friend - Win 1 match against AI
New view - Apply any disk customization except the default one
Champion loves you - Lose 1 match against AI
Not so hard - Win any match against AI with hints option off
Hard bot - Win a match against AI at 3d level of difficulty
Split friends - Complete a match in splitscreen mode
Champion - You are a champion!