Brotherhood United- Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Difficulty: 2/10
Duration: 45 minutes Offline trophies: All Online trophies: None
DLC: None Minimum number of playthroughs: 1 Number of missable trophies: none since you have missions select
Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide
Street Hero
Unlock all other trophies
Brotherhood United is an easy game in terms of trophies, and it pose a very little challenge:
The most annoying trophy is the one to get 3 stars in any mission. In order to get 3 starts you need to kill all enemies, save all bros and do not get killed. You can check how many bros you have to save or how many enemies you still need to kill by pressing the pause menu. I would recommend you do this in mission 1.
The second strange trophy is rapid fire your gun. You need to press very very fast the square button to fire your gun. I did that in the tutorial since i had to reload a lot of times for it
Finish a mission without throwing grenades. I would recommend mission 1
Save 35 bros
Detonate 12 mines without taking damage. Pass over them with the roll
Throw 32 grenades
Kill 350 enemies
Check the video from below for a complete walkthrough with all the trophies obtained.
Too short ... - Story
Finish the tutorial
Freedom Act I
Save 5 Bros
Freedom Act II
Save 15 Bros
Freedom Act III
Save 35 Bros
You save bros, by going near them and pressing the square button.
Shooting at them and freeing them is not enough if you do not go near them to press the square button.
First mission complete - Story
Reach the end of the first mission
Bombing Intuition I
Detonate 1 mine without taking damage
Bombing Intuition II
Detonate 6 mines without taking damage
Bombing Intuition III
Detonate 12 mines without taking damage
Use roll to avoid taking damage for the red mines.
For the blue mines, this is much easier, since they trigger from a high distance, and you can just walk away
First 3 Stars
Get 3 stars on any mission
The most annoying trophy is the one to get 3 stars in any mission.
In order to get 3 starts you need to kill all enemies, save all bros, and do not get killed. Y
ou can check how many bros you have to save or how many enemies you still need to kill by pressing the pause menu.
I would recommend you do this in mission 1.
Blaze Fingers
Rapid fire your good old gun
You need to press very very fast the square button to fire your gun.
I did that in the tutorial since i had to reload a lot of times for it.
The Hard Way
Pass through a mission without using grenades
I would recommend doing this trophy in mission 1 since it is short, and enemies are easier.
Butter Facility I
Throw 3 grenades
Butter Facility II
Throw 12 grenades
Butter Facility III
Throw 32 grenades
You throw grenades with the triangle button.
Sometimes freeing bros will get you some grenades.
Raging Mode I
Kill 10 enemies
Raging Mode II
Kill 100 enemies
Raging Mode III
Kill 350 enemies
Scope of the game.
Trophy Roadmap
Too short ... - Finish the tutorial
Raging Mode I - Kill 10 enemies
Bombing Intuition I - Detonate 1 mine without taking damage
The Hard Way - Pass through a mission without using grenades
First mission complete - Reach the end of the first mission
Blaze Fingers - Rapid fire your good old gun
Butter Facility I - Throw 3 grenades
Freedom Act I - Save 5 Bros
Raging Mode II - Kill 100 enemies
Bombing Intuition II - Detonate 6 mines without taking damage
Butter Facility II - Throw 12 grenades
First 3 Stars - Get 3 stars on any mission
Bombing Intuition III - Detonate 12 mines without taking damage
Freedom Act II - Save 15 Bros
Butter Facility III - Throw 32 grenades
Raging Mode III - Kill 350 enemies
Freedom Act III - Save 35 Bros
Street Hero - Unlock all other trophies