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Assassin's Creed Unity - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide - Part 1

Writer's picture: ScorpioOfShadowsScorpioOfShadows

Updated: Nov 12, 2021

Assassin's Creed Unity - Walkthrough | Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Part 1 - Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide + Trophy Roadmap

Difficulty: 3/10

Duration: 50 hours + 5 hours for DLC Offline trophies: 49 + 7 trophies from DLC Online trophies: 2

DLC: 1 (2/10 difficulty) Minimum number of playthroughs: 1 + 1 in DLC Number of missable trophies: None, Free Roam available




Trophy Guide | Achievement Guide

Master Assassin Earn every Trophy. Assassin's Creed Unity is an easy game in terms of trophies:

  • Complete all main missions including the optional challenges, complete all side missions and all renovations, gather all collectibles, and open all the chests, synchronize all viewpoints

  • Helix Rifts: Earn 3 data bonus, free 10 assassins

  • Random activities: complete 10 Crowd Events

  • Kill trophies: Assassinate 100 enemies, 10 air assassinations, 1 ground execution, Kill 20 enemies with a Long Weapon and 20with heavy weapon, Kill an enemy with a lift counterweight.

  • Coop/Solo: complete all missions, Get all the rewards in a Co-op mission in Paris, Perform 10 non-lethal takedowns

  • Coop/Online: Revive a partner, Perform 10 Co-op sync kills.

  • Miscellaneous trophies: Drop 20 Money Pouches in the streets, Watch a play in the Café Théâtre, Enjoy the view of Paris from Arno's balcony, Sabotage 5 alarm bells in Paris, Lockpick 5 doors.

  • DLC: complete all main and side missions

  • DLC Kill trophies: Kill 5 enemies at the same time with a Guillotine Gun, Kill 15 Raider leaders.

A Long Time Ago - Story Complete the Prologue.

Youth In Versailles - Story Complete Memory Sequence 1. Sequence 1 contains 3 missions.

Rebirth - Story Complete Memory Sequence 2. Sequence 2 contains 2 missions.

First Blood Complete Memory Sequence 3. Sequence 3 contains 2 missions.

La Cour des Miracles - Story Complete Memory Sequence 4. Sequence 4 contains 2 missions.

The Root Of Evil - Story Complete Memory Sequence 5. Sequence 5 contains 3 missions.

Secret Meeting - Story Complete Memory Sequence 6. Sequence 6 contains 2 missions.

Mystery Solved Complete Memory Sequence 7. Sequence 7 contains 3 missions.

Bloody Trail Complete Memory Sequence 8. Sequence 8 contains 2 missions.

Road To Starvation Complete Memory Sequence 9. Sequence 9 contains 3 missions.

Love And Duty - Story Complete Memory Sequence 10. Sequence 10 contains 3 missions.

Down But Not Out - Story Complete Memory Sequence 11. Sequence 11 contains 2 missions.

Curtain Call - Story Complete Memory Sequence 12. Sequence 12 contains 3 missions.

No Man's Land Complete all Rift missions. There are 7 helix rifts missions.

Needs More Data Earn Data Bonuses in 3 different Helix Rifts. To obtain a bonus data you need inside the helix missions to achieve a higher score than the optional score.

Thawed Free a total of 10 trapped Assassins. In each of the helix rift missions you will need to save 1 trapped assassin.

Blade In The Crowd Assassinate 100 enemies. Another easy trophy which will come naturally during gameplay.

I Want It All Complete all Single Player mission challenges in Paris. 12 Sequences each with 2-3 missions and most of them have optional challenges.

Networking Renovate your first Social Club. There are 7 social clubs around the map. The cheapest club cost 500 livres.

An Old Internet Meme Renovate all the Social Clubs and complete all the Social Club missions. There are 7 social clubs that you need to renovate and 20 social club missions that you need to complete.

Falling From The Sky Perform 10 air assassinations. Another easy trophy which will come naturally during gameplay.

From the Past Unlock the Medieval Armor in the Café Théâtre. Complete all 18 Nostradamus Enigmas and after that complete the 3 armor rooms.

The Baguette Boyband Complete a Co-op mission in Paris. A bit misleading. You can do a coop type of mission like heist, but you can play it in solo mode.

Know-It-All Complete all training missions. Can only be done after you have all skills unlocked. Go to the training room and start all the training missions.

Gentleman Cambrioleur Lockpick 20 chests. Some chests are locked and require to be lockpicked.

Curiosity Open every chest in Paris. You only need to open for this trophy the white and the red chests which are in total 294 chests.

Visited Once Complete all Co-op and Heist missions in Paris at least once. There are 11 co-op missions and 7 heists. You can complete them in solo mode.

Business and Pleasure - Story Earn a total of 50,000 livres. You can get that amount by just completing mission.

And Stay Down! Perform a ground execution. You need the skills: ground execution, one handed weapon master, staggering strike. Hold X button to make the enemy fall down, then hold the square to execute him.

Panoramic View Synchronize all Viewpoints in Paris. There are 23 viewpoints that you need to climb up and then synchronize.

Help Me! Complete 10 Crowd Events. Crowd events are very small events that spawn random on the map. You will easily complete this trophy while roaming the Paris map.

Hand of Justice Solve a Murder Mystery in Paris.

Ransacking Versailles Earn 100% completion of Versailles. In order to get this trophy, you will need to clear the whole district of Versailles: 2 viewpoints, 8 cockades and 20 chests.

Accurate Prediction Complete a Nostradamus Enigma in Paris.

Tricolore Collect all Cockades There are 128 cockades

Don't Need It Drop 20 Money Pouches in the streets. Unlock the skill to throw money bags, then throw 20 bags into the streets to people.

Patron of the Arts Watch a play in the Café Théâtre. After you complete all 5 cafe theatre missions, go to the bottom floor of the cafe theatre, and go near the stage to watch a full play.

Share the Wealth Get all the rewards in a Co-op mission in Paris. You need to play 1 coop mission 3 times, since each mission has 3 rewards, and you get 1 unique reward when you complete it once. Can be done in solo.

Safe and Secure Perform all Social Club missions in a district. After you renovate a Social Club, it will give 2-3 missions to complete.

Room With A View Enjoy the view of Paris from Arno's balcony. Go upstairs and into your room, then exit the balcon and make sure you lean forward and enjoy the view.

Poked! Kill 20 enemies with a Long Weapon. Buy a long weapon from the menu, equip it, then kill 20 enemies.

Chopped! Kill 20 enemies with a heavy weapon. Buy a heavy weapon from the menu then equip it. Then this will come quite easy, 20 enemies is a very low number.

Master Architect Complete all the renovations of the Café Théâtre. You need 21350 livres for all 5 renovations.

Guillotined Kill an enemy with a lift counterweight. Have an enemy following you very close, then use a lift.

Never Say Die - Online Revive a partner in Co-op. Hold the circle button to revive a fallen coop partner. You need to be online for this trophy

Merciful Killer Perform 10 non-lethal takedowns in a Co-op mission. Again misleading. You need to do it in a coop mission type, but you can play those solo. Go near an enemy without being detected and press the circle button.

Choreography Perform 10 Co-op sync kills. You need to kill an enemy in coop at the same time as your partner. You need to coordinate if you want to pull this off fast.

The Bells! The Bells! Sabotage 5 alarm bells in Paris. Bells can be found on red zones occupied by the enemies. It is useful to disable them so that they won't call reinforcements. You will mostly do this naturally through the story.

Must've Left it Open Lockpick 5 doors. Most probably you will do this through the story missions.

I Got Skills Unlock all Skills. There are 25 skills, and you need all the skill points available in game: complete all sequences, complete the sync points from coop missions (can be done in solo), complete all heists missions (can be done in solo).


Trophy Roadmap

Prologue - The Tragedy of Jacques De Molay

A Long Time Ago - Complete the Prologue.

S1M1 - Memories Of Versailles

S1M2 - The Estates General

S1M3 - High Society

Youth In Versailles - Complete Memory Sequence 1.

S2M1 - Imprisoned

S2M2 - Rebirth

Rebirth - Complete Memory Sequence 2.

S3M1 - Graduation

Networking - Renovate your first Social Club.

Social Club Missions - Bridge Brigands

Paris Stories - Tall, Dark Strangers

Paris Stories - Flamel's Secret: The Monks

Paris Stories - Using The Ol' Noggins

Murder Mystery - Eugene Francois Vidocq

Murder Mystery - Murder Foretold

Hand of Justice - Solve a Murder Mystery in Paris.

Paris Stories - Flamel's Secret: Denis Molinier

Paris Stories - Flamel's Secret:The Elixir Of Life

Help Me! - Complete 10 Crowd Events.

Ransacking Versailles - Earn 100% completion of Versailles.

S3M2 - Confession

The Bells! The Bells! - Sabotage 5 alarm bells in Paris.

First Blood - Complete Memory Sequence 3.

Server Bridge - Fin De Siecle

S4 - Council Briefing

S4M1 - The Kingdom Of Beggars

S4M2 - Le Roi Est Mort

Chopped! - Kill 20 enemies with a heavy weapon.

Falling From The Sky - Perform 10 air assassinations.

Blade In The Crowd - Assassinate 100 enemies.

La Cour des Miracles - Complete Memory Sequence 4.

Le Cafe Theatre - Explore the Cafe Theatre

S5M0 - Council Report

Companion Mission - For Want Of A Nail

Nostradamus Enigma

Nostradamus Enigma - Mercurius

Accurate Prediction - Complete a Nostradamus Enigma in Paris.

Cafe Theatre Missions - Auto-Da-Fe

Master Architect - Complete all the renovations of the Café Théâtre.

Cafe Theatre Missions - Colette

Social Club Missions - Marat's Missive

Safe and Secure - Perform all Social Club missions in a district.

Helix Rift - Belle Epoque - Training

Paris Stories - The Cult Of Baphomet

Paris Stories - Waxworks

Nostradamus Enigma - Mars

Murder Mystery - Ancestral Vengeance

Paris Stories - The Ritual Of Baphomet

Paris Stories - Devilishly Tricky

Paris Stories - A La Lanterne!

Social Club Missions - Let Them Eat Hay

Social Club Missions - Cat Food On A Hot Tin Roof

Paris Stories - Sewer Rat

Companion Mission - Guns Of Notre-Dame

Paris Stories - The Great Escapist

Paris Stories - Critical Comedown

Nostradamus Enigma - Terra

Business and Pleasure - Earn a total of 50,000 livres.

Companion Mission - Escape From Ile De La Cite

Companion Mission - Crime Spree

S5M1 - The Silversmith

Must've Left it Open - Lockpick 5 doors.

S5M2 - La Halle Aux Bles

S5M3 - The Prophet

The Root Of Evil - Complete Memory Sequence 5.

Gentleman Cambrioleur - Lockpick 20 chests.

Room With A View - Enjoy the view of Paris from Arno's balcony.

S6M1 - The Jacobin Club

Cafe Theatre Missions - Damsel In Seamstress

Nostradamus Enigma - Saturnus

Helix Rift - Belle Epoque -Data Harvest

Guillotined - Kill an enemy with a lift counterweight.

Helix Rift - Belle Epoque - Tornado

Needs More Data - Earn Data Bonuses in 3 different Helix Rifts.

Social Club Missions - Hoarding Hostages

Paris Stories - Iscariotte, The Giant

Paris Stories - My Kingdom For Some Whores

Paris Stories - De Sade's Reprieve

Paris Stories - Sadistic Blackmail

Companion Mission - Women's Lib... Literally

Murder Mystery - The Body In The Brothel

Paris Stories - La Bande Noire

Murder Mystery - Hot Chocolate To Die For

Paris Stories - A Fistful Of Duelers

Nostradamus Enigma - Aries

Paris Stories - Headlining The Guillotine

Social Club Missions - An Engaging Egyptologist

Social Club Missions - Roux's Remains

Social Club Missions - Cafe Procope

Paris Stories - The Condorcet Method

Nostradamus Enigma - Capricorn

Nostradamus Enigma - Leo

Nostradamus Enigma - Virgo

Companion Mission - Sweet Music

Paris Stories - The League Of The Crimson Rose

Paris Stories - Return Of The Crimson Rose

Paris Stories - Crimson Sunset

Nostradamus Enigma - Scorpio

Nostradamus Enigma - Libra

Murder Mystery - The Hand Of Science

Paris Stories - Carmalite Nuns

Paris Stories - Flying Boy

Paris Stories - Stop The Presses!

Paris Stories - Encyclopedie Diderot

Nostradamus Enigma - Cancer

Nostradamus Enigma - Sagittarius

Companion Mission - Messages From The Past

Companion Mission - In From The Cold

S6M2 - Templar Ambush

Secret Meeting - Complete Memory Sequence 6.

Cafe Theatre Missions - The Queen's Necklace

Social Club Missions - Artful Dodger

Social Club Missions - A Dramatic Exit

Social Club Missions - Breaking The Habit

Murder Mystery - Barber Of Seville

Nostradamus Enigma - Aquarius

Paris Stories - Scene Stealer

Murder Mystery - The Body Politic

Murder Mystery - Killed By Science

Social Club Missions - Retribution For A Rabble-Rouser

Social Club Missions - The Black Office

Social Club Missions - Betrayer Of The Queen

Paris Stories - French Crown Jewels

Paris Stories - Cassini's Constellations

Paris Stories - The Chemical Revolution

Social Club Missions - Extortion Contortion

Social Club Missions - Bara's Funeral

Social Club Missions - Chouan Riddles

Nostradamus Enigma - Pisces

Paris Stories - The Little Prince

Murder Mystery - Cut The Middle Man

Murder Mystery - The Decapitated Warden

Nostradamus Enigma - Gemini

Panoramic View - Synchronize all Viewpoints in Paris.

Social Club Missions - Spiked Bourbon

Social Club Missions - Special Delivery

Social Club Missions - Smoky Yet Robust

An Old Internet Meme - Renovate all the Social Clubs and complete all the Social Club missions.

Nostradamus Enigma - Jupiter

S7M1 - A Cautious Alliance

S7M2 - Meeting With Mirabeau

S7M3 - Confrontation

Mystery Solved - Complete Memory Sequence 7.

Server Bridge - The Resistance

Helix Rift - Occupied Paris - Covert

Thawed - Free a total of 10 trapped Assassins.

Helix Rift - Occupied Paris - Data Harvest

Helix Rift - Occupied Paris - Tower

S8M1 - The King's Correspondence

S8M2 - September Massacres

Bloody Trail - Complete Memory Sequence 8.

S9M1 - Starving Times

Murder Mystery - Bones Of Contention

S9M2 - Hoarders

S9M3 - The Escape

Road To Starvation - Complete Memory Sequence 9.

Companion Mission - The Schoolmaster

Companion Mission - Assassin Justice

Paris Stories - Desiree Desired

Paris Stories - Desiree Dismayed

Murder Mystery - The Red Ghost Of The Tuileries

Cafe Theatre Missions - Foxy Renard

Paris Stories - Desiree Delighted

Nostradamus Enigma - Venus

Paris Stories - Constructing A "Close Shave"

Paris Stories - Up In Arms

Paris Stories - Marianne Returns Home

Murder Mystery - The Assassination Of Jean-Paul Marat

Paris Stories - Arm The People

Paris Stories - "Escort" Mission

Paris Stories - Tapestry Thief

Poked! - Kill 20 enemies with a Long Weapon.

Companion Mission - Gunpowder Plot

Paris Stories - Coat Of Arms

Paris Stories - Swiss Stash

Patron of the Arts - Watch a play in the Café Théâtre.

Paris Stories - A Romantic Stroll

Murder Mystery - A Dash Of Poison

Nostradamus Enigma - Taurus

Armor Room - Cella Constellatio

Armor Room - Cella Astri

Armor Room - Cella Vaporis

From the Past - Unlock the Medieval Armor in the Café Théâtre.

Paris Stories - Signaling Officer Murat

Paris Stories - A Nice Chappe

Paris Stories - Precious Correspondence

Paris Stories - Vicious Verses

Paris Stories - Turtle, Snake, Bear, Paper, Scissors

Murder Mystery - The Death Of Philibert Aspairt

Paris Stories - Cartouche's Memoirs

Tricolore - Collect all Cockades

Curiosity - Open every chest in Paris.

Heists - Tithing Templars

The Baguette Boyband - Complete a Co-op mission in Paris.

Heists - Catacomb Raider

Co-op Missions - Heads Will Roll

Co-op Missions - The Food Chain

Co-op Missions - The Infernal Machine

Co-op Missions - The Austrian Conspiracy

Merciful Killer - Perform 10 non-lethal takedowns in a Co-op mission.

Co-op Missions - Danton's Sacrifice

Companion Mission - Guilty Until Proven Innocent

Companion Mission - The Doctor Is In

S10M1 - A Dinner Engagement

S10M2 - The Execution

S10M3 - Council Debriefing

Love And Duty - Complete Memory Sequence 10.

S11M1 - Bottom Of The Barrel

S11M2 - Rise Of The Assassin

Down But Not Out - Complete Memory Sequence 11.

Server Bridge - The Bastille

Helix Rift - Medieval - Battlefield

Helix Rift - Medieval - Quarry

No Man's Land - Complete all Rift missions.

Heists - The Party Palace

Co-op Missions - Jacobin Raid

Companion Mission - Dead Drop

S12M1 - The Supreme Being

S12M2 - The Fall Of Robespierre

S12M3 - The Temple

I Want It All - Complete all Single Player mission challenges in Paris.

Curtain Call - Complete Memory Sequence 12.

Free Roam after completing the story

Don't Need It - Drop 20 Money Pouches in the streets.

Heists - Royals, Guns And Money

Heists - Smuggler's Paradise

Heists - Ancient History

Heists - It Belongs In A Museum

Co-op Missions - Political Persecution

And Stay Down! - Perform a ground execution.

Co-op Missions - Les Enrages

Co-op Missions - Moving Mirabeau

Co-op Missions - The Tournament

Co-op Missions - Women's March

Visited Once - Complete all Co-op and Heist missions in Paris at least once.

I Got Skills - Unlock all Skills.

Know-It-All - Complete all training missions.

Share the Wealth - Get all the rewards in a Co-op mission in Paris.


Never Say Die - Revive a partner in Co-op.

Choreography - Perform 10 Co-op sync kills.

Master Assassin - Earn every Trophy.

Free Roam after completing the story

Companion Mission - You'll Pay For This

Companion Mission - The Archive

Companion Mission - Out Of Towners

Companion Mission - Nefarious Purposes

Companion Mission - The Archive II

Companion Mission - Out Of Towners II

Companion Mission - Nefarious Purposes II

Companion Mission - Without Troubling His Soul

Companion Mission - Grave Robbery

Companion Mission - Fall Down Dead

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